Global Partnerships
The Muhammad Ali Center is proud to partner with global organizations to help create positive change.

Muhammad Ali Center International Committee
The Center’s newly formed International Committee utilizes Muhammad Ali’s worldwide recognition to inspire new audiences globally and to expand its organizational impact. The new Committee is comprised of six individuals from five countries.
"A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life."
Made by Dyslexia
One in five people in the world are dyslexic, including the Greatest of All Time, Muhammad Ali. And he is not alone. John F. Kennedy, Richard Branson, Whoopi Goldberg, Agatha Christie, and Steve Jobs have all lived with the learning difference, which impacts more than 1.7 billion people in the world today. However, dyslexia is not always spotted or supported in schools.
Made By Dyslexia, a global charity, is on a mission asking the world to take a day to Learn Dyslexia.
The Muhammad Ali Center is proud to partner with Made by Dyslexia to help train every teacher and employer in the state of Kentucky to spot, support, and empower every dyslexic mind.
Find out more about this exciting partnership by visiting
For more information, reach out to our Global Partnership team.
Made by Dyslexia and Muhammad Ali Center
The Muhammad Ali Center is proud to partner with Made by Dyslexia to help train Kentuckians to spot, support and empower every dyslexic mind.
Made by Dyslexia and Muhammad Ali Center
The Muhammad Ali Center is proud to partner with Made by Dyslexia to help train Kentuckians to spot, support and empower every dyslexic mind.